Join us
The benefits of membership are:
Transactions (the Society’s Journal) published annually with articles on brasses and incised slabs, with an average of 100 pages in each issue.
Bulletin, published three times a year, with information about current activities, work in progress and new literature, with 20 fully-illustrated A4 pages in each issue.
General meetings with illustrated lectures followed by discussions and an opportunity to meet other members, held three times a year on Saturday afternoons.
Periodic weekend Conferences, usually in September, held in different parts of the country. These are normally residential and the cost includes lectures, visits to churches of interest, workshops and members’ contributions.
Biennial study days, each on a specific church of outstanding interest, with lectures on the church and its monuments and an extended visit to the church, sometimes followed by a visit to a stately house.
Annual General Meeting held in July, with short lectures after the formal business.
Subscription rates and methods of payment
£25.00 = U.K. subscription (electronic Bulletin)
£35.00 = U.K. subscription (printed Bulletin)
£25.00 or US$45.00 = Overseas subscription
(electronic Bulletin)
£40.00 or US$70.00 = Overseas subscription
(printed Bulletin)
£10.00 = Second person at same address, receiving
no literature
£12.50 = Annual subscription (in full time education
or if under 18 years) (electronic Bulletin)
£25.00 = U.K. subscription (institutional)
(electronic Bulletin)
£35.00 = U.K. subscription (institutional)
(printed Bulletin)Please download and complete the interactive membership application form and send to:
Penny Williams
Hon. Secretary
15 St. Brides Road
South Wales CF32 9PYEmail:
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer and would like to permit the Society to claim back tax, it would help if you signed a Gift Aid form, a copy of which should be kept for your tax records. Please download and complete the interactive Gift Aid form and send to:Rob Kinsey
Hon. Treasurer
4 Pictor Close
Wiltshire SN13 9XHEmail:
Membership FormDownload
Bankers Order FormDownload
Bankers Order FormDownload
Gift Aid FormDownload
Gift Aid FormDownload
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Gift Aid Form -
Support us with a legacy
You can give or bequeath to the MBS a sum of money, a share of your estate or specific assets, such as a portfolio of shares or a house. It is possible to leave us
a collection or specific assets from your estate, which would not be liable for Inheritance Tax.It is possible to make a gift in the form of a residuary gift, whereby the MBS receives whatever is left of your estate after you have made specific bequests to your family and friends or other good causes.
Because we are a charity, the value of any gift you make to the MBS in your will is deducted by the Inland Revenue from the value of your estate before any Inheritance Tax liability is calculated – so money that might otherwise have been paid in tax can instead be used to support the Trust in its work.
If you are considering a gift or bequest and would like more information we are very happy to talk through the options. If you have already included the Trust in your will, we would appreciate being able to say thank you.
For further information please contact:
Martin Stuchfield
Pentlow Hall
Suffolk CO10 7SPEmail:
MBS Legacy Leaflet -
If you would like to help us and have a few hours to spare, please get in touch to find out how.