Site map
- Anne Odyngsale
- William & Ann Wright
- Thomas Hawtrey
- Henry Fazakyrley
- Susan Parker
- Nicholas Purefey
- Alice Joyner
- Elizabeth Beresford
- Robert Hacombleyn
- Simon and Merrial Coates
- John Maunsell
- Richard de la Pole
- Julyen Deryng
- Anonymous appropriated indents
- Robert and Elizabeth Rugge
- Henry Buntyng
- Andrew & Elizabeth Jonis
- John and Sara Cossington
- Jane Eveas
- Paul and Margaret Dayrell
- Michel de Troye
- John and Silvester Browne
- Thomas Cranmar
- Anonymous priest
- Hans Hundt von Wenkheim
- Thomas and Alice Flete
- Thomas Cheyne
- Thomazine Playters
- Sir John Tregonwell
- Charles and Evelyn Sutton
- Elizabeth Furlong
- Two anonymous priests
- Catherine, wife of Thomas Palmer
- Alexander Cokburn
- Margaret Pettwode
- Electress Sophia
- Thomas Hodges
- Hermann and Siegfried von Oertzen
- Sir Andrew Luttrell
- Alice Laurence
- Zacharias Ridt
- Katherine Howard
- William Styrlay
- Anne, wife of Edward Bulwer
- Member of the Bacon family
- John Draycote
- Robert and Agnes Staunton
- John and Frances Castle
- John Gordon
- William and George Dalison
- Mary Howard
- Richard & Anne Garneys
- Henry & Anne Jarmon
- John Prideaux
- Richard Folcard
- Roger and Mary Gyfford
- Philip & Margery Bosard
- John Newdegate
- Alexander Inglisshe
- Richard Freston
- Sir John Russell
- Karsten Middeldorp
- Richard and Joan Foxwist
- Johan von Heringen
- John Browne
- Thomas Tyard & Philip Tenison
- Stillborn Son of the Elector Johann-Georg I of Saxony
- Sir William Burgate
- Susanna Gartside
- Joost van Amstel van Mijnden
- Thomas Cawarden
- Catherine Verney
- Bishop Johann II von Schleinitz
- Geoffrey Boleyn
- Arthur Dericote
- Ralph Blenerhaysett
- Agnes & Jane Hopper
- The Brass Lease
- Robert Kitchin
- Friedrich the Wise
- Sir Hamon l'Estrange
- Canon Johannes (Jan) Craghe
- Cyriac and Florence Petit
- Eel Buttry
- William and Margaret Att Wode
- Thomas & Elizabeth Burgoyn
- Richard de Hakebourne
- Edmund West
- Anne a Wode
- Thomas, son of Thomas Pye
- Christopher Peyton and Sir Robert Peyton
- John Goose
- William and Alice Water
- Abbot Heribert von Lülsdorf
- Ann Paston
- Henry Dove
- Nicholas Byldysdon and wife Kateryn
- Nicholas Parker
- Sir Humfrey Stafford and wife Margaret
- Sir Laurence Pabenham and wives Elizabeth and Joan
- John and Jane Corbet
- John Beton
- Francis Saunders & wives Elizabeth, Eleanor and Frances
- Sir Ralph Pudsay, his third wife Edwina & his son William
- Nicholas Toke and his three daughters
- John Kyngeston and wife Susan
- Anne Bedingfield
- Ambroise de Villiers
- Christopher Playters
- Duchess Zedena
- Ann Butts
- Thomas Shernborne and wife Jamon
- John Repps & wives Margaret & Thomasene
- Reginald de Assche
- Ralph de Hengham
- Incised slabs to lepers
- Gabriel Pluyette
- Sir John de Wyngefeld
- Willingale Doe
- Gotthard and Margaretha von Höveln
- Lady Sydney Wynne
- John Alnwik
- Unknown civilian
- Margaret Bacon
- Ann Tyrell
- Reginald Spycer and wives
- Edmund Clere and his wife Elizabeth
- .John Bartelot and wife Joan de Stopham
- Thomas Cod
- John Stonor
- William de Grey and his wives Mary and Grace
- Jeha(n) Buccilier and his wife, Police
- Ann Fitch
- John Strensall
- A Lady, probably Agnes de Bradeston
- William Armorer
- Edward Naylor
- Christopher Daubeney
- Unknown lady
- John Byrkhed
- Walter Curson and wife, Isabel
- George Talbot, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury
- Sir Adam de Clyfton
- Peter Rede
- Edmund Hunt
- Valentine Edvarod
- Hugues des Hazards
- John Samwell and wife
- Samuel Harsnett
- Margaret Lambert
- King Eric Menved and Queen Ingeborg
- Agnes Jordan
- John Eldred
- Thomas, Lord Berkeley and wife, Margaret
- Anne Danvers
- Robert Beauner (or Beauver)
- Thomas Kyng
- Sir Thomas Brudenell and wife Elizabeth
- Elizabeth Tempest
- Edward Grymston
- John Strete
- Dame Margaret Chute
- Sir William Wadham
- Thomas Tonge
- Edward Warner
- Katherine Franckleyn
- Olivier de la Chapelle and wifow Arthuse de Melun
- Sir John Clerk
- Sir Hugh Hastyngs
- Sir John Say and wife Elizabeth
- John Hardman
- Adoration of the shepherds
- Prior Thomas Nelond
- Nicholas Frauncois
- Sir Andrew Herley and wife Juliana
- Yeoman of the Crown
- Lukasz de Gorka
- William de Wermington
- Thomas Tompkins
- William Bradschawe and wife Alice
- John Wybarne
- Henry Notingham
- Joan de Cobham
- Richard Disney
- John Gigur
- Joan, Lady Cromwell
- Sir Richard Fitzlewes
- William Frith and John Bradwell
- John Lawe
- Adam Ertham
- Richard & Margaret Torryngton
- Sir Thomas Stathum & wives Elizabeth and Thomasine
- George Rede
- Nicholas Gaynesford